State Opioid Response 2 Funding Request for Proposals

About the Request for Proposals (RFP)

Southeast Florida Behavioral Health Network (SEFBHN) is seeking proposals for an expansion of prevention, treatment, and recovery support services under the new State Opioid Response 2 grant (aka SOR 2). All proposals will have to meet the requirements outlined in “Florida’s State Opioid Response (SOR) 2 Grant Project Guidance on System Priorities, Permissible Uses, and Prohibited Uses” released by DCF (Click Here to Download The SOR 2 Guidance Document). Key among these requirements are the utilization of specific evidence-based practices in both treatment and prevention programs, as well as the obligation that all eligible practitioners employed by an agency receiving SOR 2 funds must obtain a DATA waiver, regardless of their role. It is SEFBHN’s expectation that expansion programs will have projected start dates in January 2021.

SEFBHN has identified the following needs and priorities in our network; however, we are not limiting proposals to only these areas:

  • Expand access to MAT and treatment services in evenings and weekends.
  • Expand access to Spanish language and Creole language services.
  • Expand access to family counseling services to family members of persons served with SUD.
  • New or expanded services provided in underserved communities such as Okeechobee County, and the Western parts of Circuit 15 & 19.
  • Expand or establish peer services and Recovery Community Organizations in Circuit 19.
  • Expand or implement evidence-based practices covered by the SOR 2 grant such as Community Reinforcement Approach, Motivational Interviewing, Contingency Management, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for individuals with Stimulant Use Disorders.
  • Expand existing SOR Prevention programs to offer drug prevention education for parents and family members of school age youth, including education regarding prevention of opioid misuse and opioid use disorders.

Applicants that do not currently have a contract with SEFBHN, will also need to submit a New Provider Application. The new provider application must be completed and submitted with the proposal/application, with all required documents and licenses received no later than the deadline for this RFP, Monday December 7, 2020.

Projected Timeline: 

Date Milestone
November 20, 2020 Release of Request for Proposals (RFP)
November 24, 2020 at 2:00 PM (EST) RFP Question & Answer Session (see recording below)
December 7, 2020 by 11:59PM Proposals due to SEFBHN
December 22, 2020 Grant Reviews
December 23, 2020 - January 31, 2021 Award notifications, negotiations, and execution of contracts.

Application for new submissions is closed.

Download SOR 2 Guidance Doc

Scoring Rubric

Proposals may be awarded a maximum of 10 points for the main narrative element of the proposal, up to 5 points for the budget and budget narrative, and up to 6 additional points for score enhancements as detailed below.

Score Enhancements

2 bonus points will be awarded for each of the following elements included in a proposal for a maximum of 6 additional points (additional points are added to overall aggregate score):

  • Expansion of services to weekends and evening hours. (After 5:00PM is considered evening hours; and 1 point will be given for each weekend day).
  • Proposal of new or expanded services in underserved communities such as Okeechobee and the Western parts of Circuits 15 and 19.
  • Development of peer services and/or a Recovery Community Organization in
    Circuit 19.
  • Provider that has Medicaid contracts and is currently able to bill for services.
  • Expansion of services offered to parents and families related to risk of Opioid Misuse and Opioid Use Disorder.
  • Expansion of access to services in Spanish and/or Creole.

Proposal Narrative Score Criteria

  • 0 = Incomplete response or proposal does not address the service component specified.
  • 2 = The proposal loosely addresses the service component specified, but fails to demonstrate the Respondent’s understanding of the requirements for the components specified or the ability to provide the service.
  • 4 = The proposal partially meet specifications and requirements of the information requested, or it provides minimal or weak description of the proposed program/services.
  • 6 = The proposal meets all specifications and requirements for the component specified.
  • 8 = The proposal meets all specifications and requirements for the component specified. The approach is comprehensive, and complete in every detail. The proposal contains some innovative details for the components specified.
  • 10 = The proposal exceeds all specifications and requirements for service component specified. The approach is innovative, comprehensive, and clearly establishes the efficacy of the interventions selected for the target population and geographic area to be served.

Proposal Budget Score Criteria

  • 1 = Budget was not completed, or the information provided is minimal.
  • 2 = Budget includes some information, but not enough to meet the requirements outlined in the request.
  • 3 = Budget meets the requirements outlined in the request.
  • 4 = Budget meets the requirements outlined in the request. The budget narrative clearly delineates the budget details and aligns well with the program needs.
  • 5 = Budget exceeds requirements and clearly outlines a budget that outlines various funding sources that will enable sustainability of proposed program services.

Question & Answer Session Recording

Question & Answer Session Summary

Below is a summary of the questions which were asked during the question and answer session held on November 24, 2020.

Who can apply for this RFP?
The RFP is open to all agencies who are properly credentialed and meet the requirements of the SOR 2 funding detailed in the SOR 2 Guidance Document (see download link above). It is open both to existing SEFBHN providers and providers who do not currently have a contract with SEFBHN.

How much funding is being contracted?
There is a total of approximately $1.5 mil for treatment and recovery per fiscal year which will likely be contracted out among multiple programs/providers. There is also approximately $160,000 of funding for prevention. Please note these amounts are subject to change by the Department of Children and Families, particularly in the transition from one fiscal year of the grant to another.

How many years of funding can be applied for or how much time does the funding cover?
The SOR 2 grant period runs from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2022 and we are seeking to contract for the full 2 years.

Can I apply for specific services like case management and/or group services?
Absolutely, you can specify any service or services that you can justify being funded as part of your proposal. We are interested in seeing any ideas providers in the community may have to serve the needs of the community.

Can these grant funds be utilized to cover the costs of the MAT medications?
Yes, the funds can be used to cover the costs of MAT within the context of the program/services you are proposing. We would also like to mention that FADAA has grants for various MAT medications which providers can apply for.

Is there any housing funding as part of this RFP?
The SOR 2 grant does not directly fund housing. However, there are incidental funds that can be used to fund recovery residence housing for consumers under certain circumstances, so long as the housing meets certain requirements such as FARR certification and having a policy of allowing individuals on medications for Opioid Use Disorder such as buprenorphine and methadone. Please refer to SOR 2 guidance document for more details.

Are technical assistance and/or startup costs included?
We will not exclude these expenses, but they must be clearly justified in the budget and budget narrative.

Can psychiatric services be included in proposals?
Yes, if your agency offers psychiatric services relevant to your proposal, then it should be included. We support the concurrent treatment of co-occurring conditions across our network, so elements of your proposal that support that effort would be encouraged. Similarly, we would look for agencies providing MAT services to also provide MAT services to pregnant women.

Are there any specific requirements to apply for prevention services such as psycho-educational groups/support etc.?
Please note that the SOR 2 Guidance Document outlines specific prevention interventions that are allowable under the SOR 2 funding (see link to download SOR 2 Guidance Document above). These guidelines must be followed and should be considered throughout your proposal.

When will the contract year begin?
It will begin as soon as we are able to establish a contract with you. If you already have a contract with us, it will begin as soon as we can establish an amendment to your contract. We hope to have services beginning in January to February.

Do proposals need to cover both years of the grant?
No, you can provide a yearly budget and we can extrapolate what the costs will be for the second year. However, if you have startup costs or other costs unique to the first year, we recommend you detail that in your budget and budget narrative.