Getting Help in Florida with Substance Use

Life saving interventions are available to treat opioid addiction, including Medication Assisted Treatment. This treatment helps curb cravings for substances which reduces the likelihood of overdose. This poster includes resources available for you or someone you know to get help with substance use. Please be sure to visit,, and for more information and share this information with others!

Intervenciones que salvan vidas están disponibles para tratar la adición a los opioides, incluyendo medicamentos. Este tratamiento ayuda a parar los antojos para los opioides y reduce la probabilidad de sobredosis. Ay recursos disponibles para obtener ayuda en,, y ¡Por favor comparte este aviso con otros!

A poster for Getting Help in Florida with Substance Abuse.
Spanish poster. Como obener ayuda con adiccion de substancias in la Florida.